Monday, August 27, 2012

"Thank God. Thanks Dad!!" - Triple Bill Theatre Photos

I had the opportunity to photograph a great triple bill play "Thank God. Thanks Dad!!" at the Black Box Theatre on the St.Thomas University Campus. The plays were put on by Fancy Boys Theatre Company and starred Step Taylor and Jesse Guest with Chris Saad as Technical Director and Ben Wheelwright as Stage Manager. As the title implies the three plays were built around the questions of Christianity and family ethics. I will post the pictures along with title of each play and the cast. At the bottom of the post you'll find a link with more info on each one.

"Preacher Man" Written by and Starring Jesse Guest

"Jesus. Again." Written by and Starring Step Taylor 

"Donny's Second Book" Written by and Starring Step Taylor and Jesse Guest 

Highly entering and insightful work. Unfortunately the plays run ended on Saturday August 25, the night I shot it, or I would suggest that everyone go and see it. None the less you can get a taste of it here, hope you enjoyed the images! 

Here is the link to the web info as well.

Larry M. Holder